İnfantil Myofibrom: Olgu Sunumu
Ozet: Infantil miyofibrom(IM), miyofibroblastlarin benign proliferasyonu ile karakterize mezenkimal bir bozukluktur. Genel populasyonda nadir gorulse de, cocukluk caginin en sik gorulen fibroblastik tumorudur (%20-%25). Uc tipi tanimlanmistir: soliter IM, visseral tutulum olmaksizin multisentrik IM, visseral tutulumun goruldugu IM. Morfolojik ozellikler her uc formda da aynidir fakat visseral tutulumun goruldugu formda morbidite ve mortalite orani yuksektir, prognoz kotudur. Nadir rastlanan ve maligniteler ile karisabilen bu antiteyi, bir olgu ve literatur bilgileri esliginde sunduk. Abstract: Infantile myofibroma(IM) is a mesenchymal disorder characterized by benign proliferation of myofibroblasts. Although rare, it is one of the most common fibroblastic tumors of the infancy and childhood. There are three forms defined: solitary IM, multicentric IM without visceral involment, and IM with visceral involvement. There are no histopathologic differences inbetween these forms but visceral involvement is associated with high morbidity and mortality. We report a rare case of infantile myofibroma which can be mistaken as malignancy.
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