Notas del manejo hemodinámico durante la guardia COVID-19

Everything in medicine must be based and balanced on three pillars, the first is: a strong physiological principle;an explanation of what causes the pathological phenomenon that we are facing with which we find how this pathology can be reversed, the second pillar is an adequate statistical corroboration;a physiological principle may be true, but this does not imply that the outcome we seek (decrease in mortality) is the result of our interventions The third pillar is a clinical protocol, which implies the most important part of all, working together It is useless to believe that you know the truth, if that is the case, if you do not have the same goals in every shift, we run the risk of falling into the fallacy that �what I do is right and others are wrong�, if we are not united in each shift of patient care we will never know what is best for the patient, we will only have a good pretext to affirm that the fault is never ours During emerging crises you can work without statistics while it is being built, but never without physiology and unity (protocols), the physiological explanation given here is as accurate as possible, the protocol is an induction derived from said physiology, waiting to have Soon a statistic will tell us if what we do is useful or not In conclusion, what the reader has in his hands are conjectures in search of refutations At the time of writing this article the only correct answer is �We don�t know yet�
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