Future trading supervisory body is an organisation which coordinates the enterpreneurs in the agricultural and commodity sector through future trading activity, warehouse receipt system, and commodity auction. These activities are proposed to solve the emplotyee’s performance problem in term of insufficient and ineffective time management done by several employee. This problem can be seen from the unfinished tasks. The purpose of this final assignment is to examine how internal communication could support the employee’s performance at the Future Trading Supervisory Body (BAPPEBTI). Conducted through the descriptive-qualitative method, this reseacrh using the primary and secondary data. The primary data was obtained through the interview with some employee who have the specific criteria, while the secondary data was gathered from books and other sources. The result of this research shows that organisation’s internal communication in supporting the employee’s performance has good impact on every employee in doing their work, eventhough there are a few obstacle while the program is running, internal communication also support the leader’s work in which their role is as a communicator who delivers the message to the communicant (employee). This exchanging message activity is carried out to build the same meaning, by which through the process will bring the dynamic communication pattern between the employee and the leader, and also among the employee. If the internal communication is running well, it could bring the organisation to increase its productivity reflects by the good value from either internal or external organisation. Keywords: internal communicationFuture trading supervisory body is an organisation which coordinates the enterpreneurs in the agricultural and commodity sector through future trading activity, warehouse receipt system, and commodity auction. These activities are proposed to solve the emplotyee’s performance problem in term of insufficient and ineffective time management done by several employee. This problem can be seen from the unfinished tasks. The purpose of this final assignment is to examine how internal communication could support the employee’s performance at the Future Trading Supervisory Body (BAPPEBTI). Conducted through the descriptive-qualitative method, this reseacrh using the primary and secondary data. The primary data was obtained through the interview with some employee who have the specific criteria, while the secondary data was gathered from books and other sources. The result of this research shows that organisation’s internal communication in supporting the employee’s performance has good impact on every employee in doing their work, eventhough there are a few obstacle while the program is running, internal communication also support the leader’s work in which their role is as a communicator who delivers the message to the communicant (employee). This exchanging message activity is carried out to build the same meaning, by which through the process will bring the dynamic communication pattern between the employee and the leader, and also among the employee. If the internal communication is running well, it could bring the organisation to increase its productivity reflects by the good value from either internal or external organisation. Keywords: internal communication Badan Pengawas Perdagangan Berjangka Komoditi merupakan suatu badan yang mewadahi para pelaku usaha sektor pertanian dan komoditias dengan perdagangan Berjangka komditas, sistem Resi Gudang, dan Pasar Lelang Komoditas. pelaksanaan kinerja terdapat masalah antara pengunaan waktu yang kurang efisien dan efektif oleh beberapa karyawan, hal tersebut dilihat dari beberapa karyawan yang sering menumpukan pekerjaan. Tujuan penulisan tugas akhir ini adalah komunikasi internal dalam mendukung kinerja pegawai di Badan Pengawas Perdagangan Berjangka Komoditi (BAPPEBTI). Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah deskriptif kualitatif, teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah data primer dan data sekunder. Data primer dikumpulkan melalui wawancara beberapa karyawan dalam keriteria tertentu, sedangkan data sekunder diperoleh dari buku maupun sumber lainnya. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa komunikasi internal organisasi dalam mendukung kinerja sangat terlaksana dengan baik walaupun ada berbagai hambatan, komunikasi internal organisasi dalam mendukung kinerja. atasan diposisikan sebagai komunikator yang bertugas sebagai pengirim pesan kepada karyawan sebagai komunikan, dengan tujuan adanya pemberian informasi dan penerimaan informasi dapat membangun kesamaan makna, adapun dari proses tersebut akan terjadi pola komunikasi dinamis antara atasan dan bawahan dan juga terjadi komunikasi antara karyawan dan karyawan.Dengan terlaksananya komunikasi tersebut instansi dapat meningkatkan produktivitas pegawai tercermin nilai positif baik internal maupun ekternal perusahaan. Kata Kunci : komunikasi internal
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