Клиническая эффективность комбинированной терапии, основанной на инкретиномиметиках, фибратах и статинах, у больных сахарным диабетом 2 типа на фоне дислипидемии

The 125 type 2 diabetes mellitus and Dyslipidemia studied the efficacy of various therapeutic regimens based on combination of inkretinomimetriks ekzenatid, fibrates and statins. Depending on the treatment tactics were formed four clinical group. 1 the first group included 31 patients with standard therapy with metformin and diabeton MV. The 32 patients of group 2 have a combined therapy with metformin and inkretinomimetik ekzenatid. 32 patients group 3 receiving combination therapy with metformin, inkretinomimetik ekzenatid-injection, fenofibrates trajkor. 29 patients group 4 were treated with metformin, ekzenatid, fenofibrates trajkor and statins simvastatin. The most beneficial change of carbohydrate and lipid metabolism have been achieved in Group 4 at supplemental fenofibrates and statins to the combination ekzenatid and metformin. The combination of fenofibrates and statins best for correction of dyslipidemia in patients with type 2 diabetes.
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