Software-Defined Networking-Based Models for Secure Interoperability of Manufacturing Operations

In recent years, cloud manufacturing, together with cyber-physical systems and shop-floor virtualization, acts as a disruptor from traditional manufacturing operations, and allows moving from production-oriented manufacturing to customer- and service-oriented manufacturing networks. As cloud manufacturing operations increase in volume and complexity, there is a need to better define the actual network infrastructure. While exiting IP networks, with adequate security measures in place, are appropriate for cloud applications, enhanced approaches such as software-defined networks are already in use for several domains. Given the sensitivity and timely requirements of manufacturing packet transmissions, software-defined networks are a promising solution for manufacturing operations, as well. Moreover, as cloud manufacturing operations expand to different actors, interoperability factor also becomes a critical requirement. Legacy and proprietary systems need to communicate with each other in a secure and timely fashion, which requires common standards and practices in place. This paper proposes a manufacturing interoperability framework built on the software-defined networking principles that can be easily programmed from the packet transmission point of view. Related to manufacturing packet route programming and its advantages compared to IP routing algorithms, the security aspects of the software-defined networks are also emphasized. Legacy control systems were built for limited frequent software changes or updates. However, networking legacy systems with the new cyber-physical systems for cloud manufacturing applications requires frequent system and security updates. Software-defined networking enables the needed system updates and thus enhances interoperability.
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