Соціальна підтримка як організаційно-правова форма соціального забезпечення

Dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Law in the speciality 12.00.05 – Employment Law; Law; Social Security / Yaroslav Mudryi National Law University, Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine. – Kharkiv, 2014. The dissertation deals with the theoretical and practical problems of social support as one of the main organizational and legal forms of social security viewed from positions of dialectical development of the social state, which defines current development trends of legal regulation in this field both in Ukraine and in the world as well as the worked out innovative ways of improvement of the national legislation. Social support is viewed as an organizational legal form of social security which consists in full or partial recovering the ability of persons or particular social groups being in difficult life circumstances and unable to overcome them on one’s own to take care of one’s personal life and take part in public activities by the provision of free social services and material assistance in forms stipulated by law. The social support policy in Ukraine proceeds from by the goal and functions of this organizational and legal form of social security and is characterized by: generality; humanity and respect for persons receiving social support; lawfulness; availability; justice; equality in receiving social support; voluntariness; addressness; timeliness; integrated approach; confidentiality of personal information concerning the recipient of social support; involvement of the recipient of services in solving of his or her problems; priority of prevention of difficult life circumstances; responsibility for the provided social support. For the creation of favorable conditions for comprehensive exercise of the citizens’ constitutional right for social protection, raising the level of social support availability and quality, implementation of effective mechanisms for the relevant system management and optimization of financial and material as well as organizational resources for solving problems of social support of population it is necessary to elaborate and adopt the Code of Social Security of the population of Ukraine. The structure and proposals for the contents of this legislative act has been defined.
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