Adoption and impact of potato production technologies in Oromiya and Amhara Regions.

Several potato production technologies, including improved potato varieties with their associated agronomic practices, crop protection measures, and postharvest handling techniques, have been generated and promoted for beneficiaries, especially since the early 1990s. At least nine improved potato varieties, of which most originated at the International Potato Center (CIP), have been released for production since 1991 (Table 1). In addition to high-yielding and disease-resistant potato varieties, associated packages, such as recommended spacing; recommended fertilizer rate; fungicide type, rate, time of application, calibration techniques, and safe use of chemicals; and postharvest handling techniques, have been released for beneficiaries. Released improved varieties provided average yields of 218–467 q/ha under research stations and as high as 250 q/ha at farm levels. The improved varieties provided a twoto sevenfold yield advantage over the local varieties. Special emphasis was also given for the generation of appropriate seed and ware potato storage techniques. Accordingly, diffused light store (DLS) has been generated to store seed potato for longer time than local storage practices. Estimates from on-farm trials have shown that improved potato varieties with improved management practices could yield about 150–250 q/ha (Progress Reports of Horticulture Division, 2000). However, the potential yielding ability of these varieties under good management practices is more than 40 t/ha.
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