Synthesis and in vivo fate of zwitterionic near-infrared fluorophores.

A longstanding problem in the field of image-guided surgery is the development of ideal near-infrared (NIR) fluorophores. The heptamethine NIR fluorophore indocyanine green (ICG) has been used extensively for image-guided surgery because of clinical availability and safety.[1-3] However, ICG is far from ideal because it exhibits high uptake in the liver, contaminates the gastrointestinal (GI) tract, provides moderate optical properties,[4] is unstable in aqueous media,[3,5] and is unable to conjugate covalently to targeting ligands.[2] Although several classes of novel molecules have been described,[6-13] none to date exhibit simultaneous low background binding, bifunctionality, excellent optical properties, low protein binding, and high serum stability. Although it is intuitive that physicochemical properties, i.e., positive/negative charge density, hydrophilicity/lipophilicity, and charge distribution, will impact in vivo performance, chemical structures that exhibit ideal characteristics have not yet been defined.
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