Understanding exposure-receptor occupancy relationships for metabotropic glutamate receptor 5 (mGlu5) negative allosteric modulators across a range of pre-clinical and clinical studies

The metabotropic glutamate receptor 5 (mGlu5) is a recognized CNS therapeutic target for which several negative allosteric modulators (NAM) drug candidates have or are continuing to be investigated for various disease indications in clinical development. Direct measurement of target receptor occupancy (RO) is extremely useful to help design and interpret efficacy and safety in nonclinical and clinical studies. In the mGlu5 field, this has been successfully achieved by monitoring displacement of radiolabeled ligands, specifically binding to the mGlu5 receptor, in the presence of an mGlu5 NAM using in vivo and ex vivo binding in rodents and positron emission tomography imaging in cynomolgus monkey and humans. The aim of this study was to measure the RO of the mGlu5 NAM, HTL0014242, in rodents and cynomolgus monkey and to compare its plasma, and brain, exposure-RO relationships with those of clinically tested mGlu5 NAMs dipraglurant, mavoglurant and basimglurant. Potential sources of variability that may contribute to these relationships were explored. Distinct plasma exposure-response relationships were found for each mGlu5 NAM with >100-fold difference in plasma exposure for a given level of RO. However, a unified exposure-response relationship was observed when both unbound brain concentration and mGlu5 affinity were considered. This relationship showed <10-fold overall difference, fitted with a Hill slope which was not significantly different from 1 and appeared consistent with a simple Emax model. This is the first time this type of comparison has been conducted, demonstrating a unified brain exposure-RO relationship across several species and mGlu5 NAMs with diverse properties. Significance Statement Despite the long history of mGlu5 as a therapeutic target and progression of multiple compounds to the clinic, no formal comparison of exposure-receptor occupancy relationships has been conducted. Our data indicate for the first time that a consistent, unified relationship can be observed between exposure and mGlu5 receptor occupancy when unbound brain concentration and receptor affinity are taken into account across a range of species for a diverse set of mGlu5 NAMs, including a new drug candidate, HTL0014242.
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