Fortalezas personales y eficacia docente

espanolEl presente trabajo se sustenta en la Psicologia Positiva y tiene como objetivo principal determinar que Fortalezas Personales del profesorado predicen la Eficacia Docente. Para ello, se ha desarrollado un estudio en todos los niveles educativos, desde Educacion Infantil hasta la Educacion Superior, en dos paises (Republica Dominicana y Espana), con una muestra total de 454 docentes. Los instrumentos utilizados para la recogida de informacion fueron dos: Values in Action Inventory of Strengths: VIA-IS y Teacher Efficacy Scale. Se llevaron a cabo analisis de correlacion y de regresion. Los resultados indicaron, en primer lugar, relaciones significativas de caracter positivo entre las dos dimensiones de la Escala de Eficacia Docente y las seis Fortalezas Personales; y, en segundo, el valor predictivo de dos Fortalezas Personales (Humanidad y Trascendencia), en lo relativo a la Eficacia Docente. Se discute la necesidad de incluir en la formacion, tanto inicial como permanente del profesorado, el desarrollo de las Fortalezas Personales, favoreciendo las virtudes humanas. EnglishThe present work is based on Positive Psychology and its main objective is to determine which Personal Strengths of teachers predict Teacher Efficacy. For this, a study has been developed in all educational levels, from Pre-school Education to Higher Education, in two countries (Dominican Republic and Spain), with a total sample of 454 teachers. The instruments used for the data collection were two: Values in Action Inventory of Strengths: VIAIS and Teacher Efficacy Scale. Correlation and regression analyzes were carried out. The results indicated, firstly, significant positive relationships between the two dimensions of the Teacher Efficacy Scale and the six Personal Strengths; and, secondly, the predictive value of two Personal Strengths (Humanity and Transcendence), in relation to Teacher Efficacy. The need to include in the training, both initial and permanent of the teaching staff, the development of Personal Strengths, favoring human virtues is discussed.
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