Withdrawal of antiepileptic medication in children Correlation of cognitive function and plasma concentration—The multicentre ‘Holmfrid’ study

Abstract Eighty-three patients with epilepsy and 83 matched controls completed 12 computerized cognitive tests while on antiepileptic drugs and six months later when they had been medication-free for three to four months. All patients had been seizure-free for more than one year and were on monotherapy with carbamazepine (CBZ, n = 56), valproate (VPA, n = 17), or phenytoin (PHT, n = 10). The tests and plasma concentration collection were done at noon. The mean peak plasma concentrations in the CBZ patients were as follows: 31% below 30 μmol/1, 48% between 30 and 42 μmol/1 and 21% above 42 ;μmol/l. No difference in performance could be detected between the groups. One significant correlation between plasma concentration and test results was found. The mean VPA concentration was 625 μmol/1 (S.D. 189). A tendency towards a weak negative correlation between test results and plasma concentration was present. The PHT patients' therapeutic range had a mean concentration of 32.0 μmol/1 (S.D. 18.5). One significant correlation between a memory test and plasma concentration could be detected. Overall, the patients in the different antiepileptic groups performed less good than the control group and in a few cases the differences were statistically significant when compared either before or after withdrawal. A comparison of the changes after withdrawal showed improvement in the majority of tests, but these changes were also present in the matched control group.
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