Semi) interpenetrating network structure hydrogel and a method of manufacturing the same

Diapers, sanitary products, sustained-release agents, civil engineering materials, building materials, communication materials, soil amendment, contact lenses, intraocular lenses, hollow fibers, artificial cartilage, artificial organ, materials for fuel cells, battery diaphragm, impact-resistant material and available to cushion the like, more than 10 mole% of the first monomer component is an unsaturated monomer having an electric charge, 60 mol% or more of the second monomer component is electrically unsaturated is neutral is a monomer, the first monomer component amount: second monomer component amount, in a molar ratio of 1: 2 to 1: 100, and, in the case of cross-linked polymerized second monomer component, a first and sets small degree of crosslinking than when polymerizing a monomer component of the crosslinked semi-interpenetrating network structure hydrogel or interpenetrating network structure hydrogel.
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