[Development of a computer-assisted system to teach pathologic anatomy. Preliminary results].

BACKGROUND: The present study describes the implantation of an interactive teaching system to improve both the active involvement of the student and the learning quality of Pathology. The preliminary results from the evaluation of such system are also reported. METHODS: Two attitude questionnaires (rating scale) were passed to a sample of 36 students of Medicine, randomly elected. These students used for 10 weeks a programme of Pathology (Interpat) assisted by computer. Moreover, the data stored after each session by the control stack of this programme are analyzed. RESULTS: The programme is positively evaluated by the users who consider it as an appropriate mode of learning Pathology. In spite of the scarce experience with computers, students have no difficulty in using this programme. 82% of students consider that they learn more Pathology with Interpat than with the traditional system of magistral classes. 63% of students believe that similar systems must be applied in other curricula. The average time of use of the system by each student has been 11 h 45 min (SD 4 h 55 min). The videodisc is the stack more used. CONCLUSIONS: There is a good acceptance of this methodology by the students, being almost no difficulty in using the programme, despite their low level of computer knowledge. The program is a potent instrument for individualizing the teaching of Pathology. The small size of the sample, accurate for a preliminary study as this is, must be take into account when generalizing the results.
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