A video image super-resolution reconstruction method

The present invention relates to a video image super-resolution reconstruction. 1) For the plurality of low-resolution image can be acquired by the same scene, the selected continuous sequence of video frames required, converting static JPG or BMP files, combined scene parameters, such as selecting a pixel within the continuous multi-membered frames images; 2) the image frame sequence of a plurality of sub-pixel image frames, selecting a target point of interest, and a target block motion estimation; 3) according to the motion estimation result, reconstruction algorithm using a non-uniform interpolation, reconstruction of a high-resolution rate image. The present invention may be insufficient to improve the image quality without the conventional imaging device, the increase in resolution and other details of the video images, to make up for the conventional image restoration, enhancement method, a simple convenient high efficiency. The image data can be optimized to provide the basis for the application of these fields, thereby expanding the field of application of urban video information.
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