Commercial Off-The-Shelf GPU Qualification for Space Applications

With increased sensor data rates, and limited downlink capability, NASA missions have increased demands for onboard processing for applications ranging from synthetic aperture radar (SAR) data reduction to hyperspectral image processing and recognition, and even artificial intelligence (AI). Graphics Processor Units (GPUs) offer an attractive processing architecture for many of the applications due to their massive parallelism. As no radiation hardened GPU devices currently exist, any near term GPU-based onboard processors must use commercially available devices. To address this need NASA GSFC is collaborating with Cubic Aerospace Incorporated to, (a) characterize the capability of GPUs to meet the demands of a candidate onboard processing application, thereby demonstrating their ability to improve mission performance, reduce spacecraft SWaP, and potentially enable new missions, and (b) evaluate the radiation tolerance of capable COTS GPU devices to determine their suitability for spaceflight applications and understand any mitigations that are needed. A candidate onboard processing image has been prototyped and evaluated on a commercial GPU board and has demonstrated significantly increased processing throughput. Radiation tests for commercial GPU devices are planned for early fiscal year 2019.
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