The Affect of Shennong Qingfei Yin for Pulmonary Infection after Stroke in Acute Phase

Objective:To explore with the heat-clearing and detoxifying、damp-diying and fu-unblocking therapy efficacy of Shennong Qingfei Yin(self-prescription) in the treatment of pulmonary infection after a stroke clinical efficacy.Method:Were 80 cases of Stroke in patients with acute pulmonary infection in hospitalized patients,in which the treatment group of 40 patients,in the control group of 40 patients,two groups were given conventional treatment encephalopathy subjects,the treatment group was added Shennong Qingfei Yin.Results:①Clinical Efficacy:The treatment group was 95%,75% in the control group by statistical analysis,comparison between the two groups had significant difference (P0.01). ②Anti-inflammatory Time comparison:anti-inflammatory treatment group was significantly less than the time of the control group,by statistical analysis,comparison between the two groups had significant difference (P0.01).Conclusion:The use of heat-clearing and detoxifying、damp-diying and fu-unblocking therapy for Shennong Qingfei Yin infection Acute Stroke Treatment effect is significant,it is worth for further study.
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