Evaluation of the effectiveness of a tank mixture of new herbicide Flex with a gramini-cide Fusilade forte in soybean crops

The results of the study of the biological and economic efficiency of the tank mixture Flex 1.5 l/ha + Fusilade Forte 1.5 l/ha in the post-emergence application in soybean crops are presented. The studies were conducted in 2018 according to the generally accepted methods in the plot experiment on the experi-mental field of The Far Eastern Research Institute of Plant Protection. It is established that this mixture has a high herbicidal activity (reduction of crude above - ground biomass by 99%) in respect of annual dicotyledonous and cereal weeds, as well as perennial dicotyledonous weeds, ensuring the purity of crops during the entire period of vegetation of the crop. Maximum toxic effect of a mixture of herbicides had on the most common in the coastal region and predominate in the cenosis of the dicotyledonous weed common ragweed and Asian copperleaf (reduction of mass by 91-100%). High sensitivity also showed lamb’s quarters, Asiatic dayflower, cockspur grass, Eriochloa villosa and dicotyledonous perennial species (field milk and creeping thistle), plants which at the time of treatment were in the rosette phase. As a standard, a mixture of Galaxy Top 1.7 l/ha + Fusilade Forte 1.5 l/ha was used, which showed high activity against annual and perennial dicotyledonous and annual cereal weeds. The increase in yield of soybean seeds in the Flex 1.5 l/ha + Fusilade Forte 1.5 l/ha was 1.04 t/ha with yield in the control-0.11 t/ha. In conditions of high contamination of crops with a wide range of broadleaved and cereal species characteristic of the South of the Far East, the use of tank mixtures of the new herbicide Flex with Fusilade Forte or other graminicides is very promising and should become an important element of the system of chemical protection of soybeans from weeds.
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