‘You guys are bilingual aren’t you?’ Latinx educational leadership pathways in the New Latinx Diaspora

ABSTRACTExisting research suggests that Latinx educational leaders in the U.S. positively impact Latinx student outcomes and home–school relationships. Yet, much of this research has been conducted in traditional U.S. Latinx immigrant destinations. We know little about the Latinx leadership experiences in regions where Latinx communities are smaller, yet growing quickly such as the New Latinx Diaspora. Using Latina/o Critical Race Theory, this study analyzed in-depth interviews with five Latinx administrators in the U.S. Pacific Northwest. Participants’ counter-stories revealed three key findings: their bilingualism was an asset and liability in their early careers, they demonstrated deep persistence in the face of racism and sexism and they often experienced isolation as either the one or one of a few leaders of color in their districts. Their counter-stories illustrate how changing demographic contexts such as those in the New Latinx Diaspora can impact teaching and leadership demands on bilingual Latin...
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