Factors affecting international students' satisfaction (a case of XYZ university, Indonesia)

This research aims to determine factors that influence the satisfaction of international students who are currently taking their bachelors’ degree at XYZ University, Indonesia. Based on the results of previous studies, the researcher took 8 (eight) independent variables namely Education, Social Orientation, Economic Consideration, Security, Image and Prestige, Technology, Accommodation, and International Student Services. The 8 (eight) independent variables were assumed to have significant impacts on the dependent variable, International Student Satisfaction. The results of this research show that 8 (eight) independent variables altogether highly affect International Student Satisfaction, as indicated by high F Sig. (0.00a). However, the t test shows that only 4 (four) independent variables affect the satisfaction of international students, namely: Economic Consideration, Safety, Technology, Accommodation, and International Student Services. Therefore, the management of XYZ University is expected to pay attention on and focus their resources to improve aforementioned variables. The research model shows an R Square of 0.768 which means that the variability of the dependent variable that can be explained by the variability of independent variables is 76.8% while the remaining 23% of the variability are explained by other variables not included in the regression model.
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