Epiglottite : traitement par la ceftriaxone

Summary We report a series of 18 children with epiglottitis whom medical management was univocal. All patients underwent naso tracheal intubation. Blood samples for cultures were always obtained before intravenous ceftriaxone (100mg/kg) was administred. Extubation was permanently obtained 36 to 48 h. after the onset of the disease. There was no mortality or sequellae in this series. Blood cultures were positive Hemophilus influenzae type b in 70 % of the patients (13/18). Eight of the strains were found to be producers of β-lactamase ; all of the 13 strains were susceptible to third generation cephalosporins. Third generation cephalosporins are confirmed to be an effective treatment of epiglottitis. The major interest of ceftriaxone is its unique daily injection and its prolonged half-life which may allow to reduce the length of intravenous therapy to 5 days.
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