Stakeholder networks, motivational strategies (promoting physical health), sensor technologies for monitoring daily activity; early user involvement trials, outline of implications for and applicability in REACH

This deliverable report presents three key contributions and a preview of a fourth. The approach of the report is complementary to the bottom-up approach of D1.3 that has identified “Touchpoints” and “Engine functionality” based on stakeholder workshop results. While this task continues the work of T1.1, which made a basic stakeholder analysis and developed personas for each of the four demonstration, we seek to complement the results of T1.3. In doing so, the work behind this report refers back to the original objective of the REACH project: reducing the risk of functional impairment or loss by elderly citizens by sensor-based and motivational socio-technical solutions that support the preservation of functional ability of elderly citizens in order that they may continue living independently as long as possible. Pursuing this overall objective, T1.2 has made a detailed stakeholder analysis of the four REACH demonstration sites in order to uncover differences in roles, interests, incentives and concerns. A second key contribution is a review of current knowledge of motivational techniques and models to identify those that are most promising in the REACH context and thus to promote physical activity and reduce risk of functional loss; and the third key contribution is a review of technologies to pick up signals of beginning functional loss and activity status by stationary or wearable sensors. Finally, we describe plans and status of early trials involving users and conclude with a summary of the implications and expected risks and benefits.
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