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The REDSIAM network

: The French national health database (SNIIRAM) proved to be very useful for epidemiology, health economics, evaluation, surveillance or public health. However, it is a complex database requiring important resources and expertise for being used. The REDSIAM network has been set up for promoting the collaboration of teams working on the Sniiram. The main aim of REDSIAM is to develop and validate methods for analyzing the Sniiram database for research, surveillance, evaluation and public health purposes by sharing the knowledge and experience of specialized teams in the fields of diseases identification from the Sniiram data. The work conducted within the network is devoted to the development and the validation of algorithms using Sniiram data for identifying specific diseases. The REDSIAM governance includes the Steering Committee composed of the main organizations in charge of producing and using the Sniiram data, the Bureau and the Technical Committee. The network is organized in thematic working groups focused on specific pathological domains, and a charter defines the rules for participation in the network, the functioning of the thematic working groups, the rules for publishing and making available algorithms. The articles in this special issue of the journal present the first results of some of the thematic working groups.
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