Organización jurídica de la asociación de modistas y sastres, en la capacitación continua de los socios del cantón morona, provincia de morona santiago durante el período 2011 - 2012.

This investigative work begins with the necessity of creating the Association of Tailors and Tailors of the Canton Morona, county of Morona Santiago, as consequence of an urgent necessity of conformation of an union that defends the interests of its members. A group of people dedicated to the design activities, seam and textile making, full with enthusiasm, notices that it is imperious to be overcome through mechanisms of the organization, continuous training, and it fights for the rights; additionally it is considered that, with an appropriate organization, it can improve the production, what implies, even, the generation of work sources, with what would be enlarged the market of the world of the making and the fashion. It suits to point out that people dedicated to this economic activity, in their majority, Morona lives in the urban area of the canton and they are small managers that carry out its activities in its modest shops. In the first chapter it is the sustentation of this work in the Scientific, same Theory that allows us objectivity and he/she has a series of foundations that you/they sustain it, that is: Pedagogic, Philosophical, Psychological, Sociological, Epistemologica and Didactics. In principle the Legal Marco is developed in the one that you/they are analyzed a series of juridical concepts that norman an association: requirements for their conformation, the statutes, social patrimony, of the liquidation and breakup of the organization, the elaboration of records and their diverse types, the books that are used; another important topic makes relationship to the Conceptual Theory that defines a series of juridical figures, all that that us Preposition properly to the understanding of a leguaje not very habitual in order to speak correctly. The second chapter, refers to the Methodological Strategies that differ according to the perspective: for the purpose, for the level and for the place in the one that you/they are carried out. Then the techniques and instruments are analyzed for the obtaining of data: the direct observation, the survey and the interview, and I 12 design for the temporary dimension, the universe and the sample, the prosecution of data and the used methods, necessary tools for the construction of viable proposals. As long as the chapter III, he/she refers the analysis and interpretation of the results, he/she is necessary the confirmation of the hypothesis and of they give to know the conclusions and recommendations. Finally, in the Chapter IV, the Proposal is formulated: the Statute of Formation of the Artificial Association of Tailors and Tailors of the Canton Morona in which are consigned, among other important data, the objectives, the quality of members, their duties and obligations, the organization and operation of the Association, election of dignities and obligations and the leaders' rights, of the patrimony. The social and artificial conformation of the Association of Tailors and Tailors of the canton Morona will allow, in a better way, its participation in the convocations that, through the National Institute of Public Purchases, carry out the different public institutions that require to hire natural or juridical people for the making of garments of dressing for the personnel, or in competitions for the design of works, amen of other advantages of great interest.
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