Creating Collaborative Learning Environments for Preservice and Inservice Teachers.

This paper describes an intervention which was designed to: (1) provide opportunities for preservice teachers to collaborate with and network with inservice teachers; (2) create an environment which facilitated collaboration and interaction among early childhood, elementary, and special education majors; and (3) model collaborative teaching and professional development for preservice teachers. Students (N=37) enrolled in two courses--"Primary Methods" and "Effective Teaching Strategies"--were participants in the study. The course instructors collaborated in teaching the two courses, and they created opportunities for the students to discuss their course readings with practicing teachers. Results indicate that most of the participants in this collaborative venture--both preservice and inservice teachers--found the experience to be beneficial. Many preservice teachers found examples of best practice in the "real world," and those who did not find examples of best practice were able to distinguish between examples and non-examples. Students identified positive aspects of the collaborative manner in which the courses were structured. Study results also clearly indicated those instances where preservice teachers invested minimal effort and, consequently, reaped minimal benefits. (Contains 15 references.) (Author/ND) ******************************************************************************** * Reproductions supplied by EDRS are the best that can be made * * from the original document. * ******************************************************************************** Collaborative Learning Environments
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