[Optimal versus maximal safety of the blood transfusion chain in The Netherlands; results of a conference. College for Blood Transfusion of the Dutch Red Cross].

An invitational conference was held on September 11, 1996 by the Medical Advisory Commission to the Blood Transfusion Council of the Netherlands Red Cross, addressing the issues of 'maximal' versus 'optimal' safety measures for the blood supply. Invited were blood transfusion specialists, clinicians, representatives of patient interest groups, the Ministry and Inspectorate of Health and members of parliament. Transfusion experts and clinicians were found to advocate an optimal course, following strategies of evidence-based medicine, cost-benefit analyses and medical technology assessment. Patient groups depending on blood products, such as haemophilia patients would rather opt for maximal safety. Insurance companies would choose likewise, to exclude any risk if possible. Health care juridical advisers would advise to choose for optimal safety, but to reserve funds covering the differences with 'maximal safety' in case of litigation. Politicians and the general public would sooner choose for maximal rather than optimal security. The overall impression persists that however small the statistical risk may be, in the eyes of many it is unacceptable. This view is very stubborn.
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