Impact of immersion at different levels on respiratory function in healthy subjects

Introduction: Today we can rehabilitate through hydrotherapy.Using the hydrostatic pressure (HP),immersion of the body above the umbilicus may have the property to place the diaphragm upwards.This should enhance expiratory capacity and cough.Determining the optimum level of water immersion could facilitate the eventual management of respiratory diseases such as COPD. Method: 20 subjects (42.7±17.8 years),10 M,10 F.2 groups:10 subjects 50 years (G2),FEV1/FVC > 70 (mean 101.91±9) and FEV1 > 80% (mean 97.45±12).Random immersion at different levels:anterior superior iliac spine (ASIS),lower edge 10th rib (E10),xiphoid process (XP),3rd intercostal space (I3),sternal notch (SN).VC, PEF, FEV1, FEF75, FEF50, FEF25, inspiratory capacity (IC) were measured at each level. Results: View this table: Immersion/lung function Discussion: There was a significant decrease in FEV1 and VC and significant improvement of IC in relation to the level of immersion regardless of the selected group (overall, G1, G2, gender).This improvement is most important at the I3 and SN levels.The effect would be greater when the rib cage itself is submerged. Conclusion: Improving the CI by the HP on the chest moves the tidal volume to the ERV(expiratory reserve volume).Applied to COPD subjects, this HP would restore the diaphragm curvatures,decrease the respiratory muscle work, but also provide an abdominal support to generate an effective cough.If immersion can be a good option for COPD patients,it remains to determine the optimal water level in relation to the desired effect.
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