A Study on the Interaction of Religious Literature for Children and Adolescents with Illustration in Iran

The formation of the Islamic Revolution in the early sixties and its rise in the fifties has caused major changes and developments in the cultural structures of Iran. These changes emerged in the political - economic and social – cultural areas in the framework of Islamic- revolutionary utopian ideas. In the Pahlavi era, religious literature for children was less considered due to the low attention of the governing regime. Although the forties is considered as the decade of children’s book illustrations but the religious literature for children and its illustration were less considered. With the beginning of the revolutionary activities, some Persian writers decided to make children familiar with spiritual and religious atmospheres by creating works with a focus on Islam. The prevailing hypothesis of this paper is that an interaction was established between religious literature for children and children’s book illustration after the emergence of religious thoughts in children’s stories. Here, the claim is proved that the social needs and the interaction of religious literature with children’s book illustrations led to the emergence of a branch called religious illustration. The methodology of this study is descriptive-analytical. Data collection method is collecting documents and library resources.
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