Response Patterns Along an Isofrequency Contour in Cat Primary Auditory Cortex (AI) to Stimuli Varying in Average and Interaural Levels

The topographical response of a portion of an isofrequency contour in primary cat auditory cortex (AI) to a series of monaural and binaural stimuli was studied. Responses of single neurons to monaural and a matrix of binaural characteristic frequency tones, varying in average binaural level (ABL) and interaural level differences (ILD), were recorded. The topography of responses to monaural and binaural stimuli was appreciably different. Patches of cells that responded monotonically to increments in ABL alternated with patches that responded nonmonotonically to ABL. The patches were between 0.4 and 1 mm in length along an isofrequency contour. Differences were found among monotonic patches and among nonmonotonic patches. Topographically, activated and silent populations of neurons varied with both changes in ILD and changes in ABL, suggesting that the area of responsive units may underlie the coding of sound level and sound location.
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