Efecto de la Suplementación con Semilla de Canavalia ensiformis sobre Parámetros Sanguíneos de Ovinos Tropicales con Infecciones Parasitarias Gastrointestinales

espanolCon el objetivo de evaluar el efecto de la suplementacion con semilla molida de Canavalia ensiformis sobre la hematologia y la quimica sanguinea, se distribuyeron al azar 21 corderas West African, balanceadas por peso y carga parasitaria gastrointestinal en tres grupos homogeneos (n=7). Los animales pastorearon 6 h/d, luego de la suplementacion con uno de los tres tratamientos: T (sin canavalia), C (2,5g de canavalia/kg PV) y C+ (5g de canavalia/kg PV). Las variables sanguineas se determinaron a traves de muestreos bisemanales y se analizaron a traves de un ANAVAR. Los resultados indicaron que C+ causo anemia debido a los valores menores de hematocrito (25,6%) en comparacion con T (28,3%) y C (26,2%) (P=0,0003); y con valores de hemoglobina menores en C+ (8,8 g/dL), en comparacion con T (9,8 g/dL) y C (9,15 g/dL) (P=0,0006). Los valores de alanina transaminasa, glucosa y colesterol, de todos los animales, se encontraron dentro de los rangos referenciales. En conclusion, la suplementacion con 5 g/kg PV de semillas molidas de Canavalia ensiformis, puede provocar signos de anemia en corderas tropicales en crecimiento. En menor proporcion (2,5 g/kg PV) no afecta la hematologia ni la quimica sanguinea EnglishThe purpose of this investigation was to evaluate the effect of supplementation with Canavalia ensiformis ground seeds on hematology and blood chemistry of West African lambs. For that, a total of 21 lambs (grouped by similar weights and parasite load) were randomly divided into three homogeneous groups of seven animals each (n=7). The animals grazed 6 hours/day, after supplementation with one of the following three treatments: T (not supplemented with canavalia); C (supplemented with 2.5g canavalia/kg BW); and C+ (supplemented with canavalia 5g/kg BW). Blood variables were determined through sampling biweekly and analyzed through ANOVA. The results of the investigation showed that the C+ group caused anemia, as reflected by a lower hematocrit value (25.6%), when compared to T (28.3%) and C (26.2%); (P=0.0003). Furthermore, hemoglobin levels were also lower for C+ (8.8 g /dL), as compared to T (9.8 g /dL) and C (9.15 g / dL); (P=0.0006). Alanine transaminase, glucose and cholesterol values of all animals were within reference ranges for the species. In conclusion, supplementation with a higher amount of canavalia seeds (5g/kg BW), can cause signs of anemia in growing tropical lambs. In contrast, a lesser proportion of this substance (2.5g/Kg BW) did not affect hematology and blood chemistry
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