Pemodelan Prediksi Erosi Dan Debit Puncak Menggunakan Soil And Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) Di Subdas Cirasea Kabupaten Bandung

Cirasea Sub-watershed is part of the Upper Citarum Watershed, where it is one of 15 priority watersheds in Indonesia. The Upper Citarum watershed has been severely damaged in terms of water quality, sedimentation and erosion, requiring serious handling. Cirasea Sub-watershed has an area of 20.852 ha, located in Bandung Regency, West Java Province. The objectives of this study are 1). Knowing the spatial distribution of erosion levels in Cirasea sub-watershed using SWAT 2). Predicting the peak discharge in Cirasea watershed using SWAT 3). Knowing the level of accuracy of the prediction results of erosion and peak discharge using the SWAT model. This study uses secondary data, the research method used in this study is secondary data analysis using SWAT, and the data analysis method used is quantitative and spatial analysis. The results of this study indicate that 1). The level of erosion in Cirasea Sub-watershed is 21.53% high, and 30.16% very high, while the average erosion in Cirasea Sub-watershed is 511.9 ton / ha / year. The high erosion that occurs in the Cirasea Sub-watershed is caused by the use of dry agricultural land which dominates in the Cirasea Sub-watershed, as well as the high intensity of rain, where dry agricultural land itself is very prone to erosion by rainwater. 2). The peak discharge in Cirasea Sub-watershed was 46.37 m3 / second which occurred on November 10, 2016, this was caused by rainfall that occurred on November 10, 2016, which experienced the highest rainfall during the simulation period. 3). The results of model validation by comparing the simulation discharge value with the observed discharge value = 0.61. which means that the model is acceptable if the value is> 0.5.
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