Napjainkban az elektronszerkezet-szamitasok tobbnyire a sűrűsegfunkcional elmelet Kohn-Sham-egyenleteinek megoldasaval tortennek. Ennek az az oka, hogy nem ismerjuk a kinetikus energiafunkcionalt (mint a sűrűseg funkcionaljat). A kinetikus energiat a palyak funkcionaljakent ismerjuk csak. Altalaban annyi Kohn-Sham-egyenletet kell megoldani, ahany elektron van a vizsgalt rendszerben. A kinetikus energiafunkcional ismereteben viszont elegendő mindig csak egyetlen egyenletet, az u.n. Euler-egyenletet megoldani akarhany elektron is van jelen. Egy ilyen palya-fuggetlen modszer lehetőve teszi igen nagy rendszerek targyalasat is. Ezert van nagy jelentőseguk az ilyen iranyu kutatasoknak. A palyazat legfontosabb eredmenye, hogy sikerult jelentős előrehaladast elerni a kinetikus energia tobb mint 80 eve megoldatlan problemajaban: A Nagy-March differencialis virialtetel sokasagra tortenő altalanositasabol elsőrendű differencialegyenletet vezettunk le a sokasag kinetikus energia funkcionalderivaltjara gombszimmetrikus rendszerekre. Az egyenlet megoldasanak egy specialis esete megadja az eredeti kinetikus energiat. Ez az eredeti problema egzakt megoldasat jelenti, de csak gombszimmetrikus esetben. Tovabbi fontos eredmenyek: egzakt teteleket, relaciokat vezettunk le a sűrűsegmatrix funkcional elmeletben. Osszefuggest talaltunk, a Fisher-informaciO, a Renyi-informacio es a kinetikus energia kozott. | Nowadays, electron structure calculations are mainly done by the solution of the Kohn-Sham equations of the density functional theory. The reason is that the kinetic energy functional (as a functional of the density) is unknown. The kinetic energy is known only as a functional of the orbitals. One has to solve as many Kohn-Sham equations as the number of electrons. In the knowledge of the kinetic energy functional, one always has to solve a single equation, the so called Euler equation independently of the number of electrons in the system. Such an orbital-free method makes it possible to treat very large systems. That is why studies in this direction are very important. An important progress has been achieved in the problem of kinetic energy unsolved more than 80 years. The differential virial theorem of Nagy and March is generalized for ensembles. A first-order differential equation for the functional derivative of the ensemble non-interacting kinetic energy functional has been derived. A special case of the solution of this equation gives the original non-interacting kinetic energy. This provides the exact solution of the original problem but only for spherically symmetric case. Further important results: exact theorems and relations have been derived in the density matrix functional theory. Relations have been obtained between the Fisher information, the Renyi information and the kinetic energy.
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