Normal Kapanışlı Türklerde Seîalometrik Norm araştırılması

SONUC Arastirmamizda vardigimiz sonuclar asagidaki sekilde ozetlenebilir : 1 — Genetikle oldugu gibi, Turk popuiasyonu icin de her iki cins icin ayni sefalometrik normlar uygulanabilir. Kiz ve erkeklerden meydana gelen ornekler ortalamasi arasindaki farklar, kullanilan acilarin cogunlugu icin Istatistik olarak manali bulunmamistir. 2 — Baska populasyonlar icin saptanmis normlarin Turk popu-lasyonunda uygulanmasi sakincalidir. Zira ornek olmak uzere kiyasladigimiz iki populasyonun orneklerinin ortalamalari arasinda genellikle istatistik olarak manali farklar mevcuttur. 3 — Turk populasyonundan alinan ornekle, Aiabamali beyaz Amerikalilardan alinan ornek kiyaslandiginda : a) ANB ve ANS -PNS 1 acilan disindaki butun acilara ait normlar farklidir. b) Turklerde ust ve alt cenelerin bazal kisimlari on kafa kaidesine nazaran Amerikali beyazlardan daha Ondedir. c) Alt ve ust cenelerin bazal kisimlarinin on-arka yonde birbirlerine nazaran iliskileri ayni sekildedir. d) Yuz iskeleti yapisi dik yonde incelendiginde, Turklerde beyaz Amerikalilara nazaran iskeletsel kapali kapanis (skeletal closed bite) egilimi gorulmektedir. e) Ust ve alt kesicilerin gerek bas ve yuz iskeletine ve gerekse birbirlerine nazaran egimleri Amerikali beyazlara nazaran daha azdir. 4 — Turk populasyonundan alinan ornekle, Amerikali zencilerden alinan ornek kiyaslandiginda : a) SNA ve SNB acilari disindaki butun acilar icin farkli degerler bulunmustur. b) Alt ve ust cenelerin bazal kisimlarinin on kafa kaidesine nazaran on-arka yondeki durumlari aynidir. cj Buna mukabil cenelerin bazal kisimlarinin on-arka yonde birbirleri ile munasebetlerinde, Amerikali zencilerde alt bazal kavsin ust bazal kavse nazaran daha geride oldugu saptanmistir. d) Yuz iskeleti yapisi dik yonde incelendiginde, Turkler de iskeletsel kapali kapanis Amerikali zencilere nazaran cok daha barizdir. e) Ust ve alt kesicilerin gerek cenelerin bazal kisimlarina ve gerekse bas yuze nazaran egilimleri Amerikah zencilerde, Turklerden cok daha fazladir. Alt ve ust kesici, eksenleri arasindaki aci da, Turk-lerdekinden bir hayli kucuk dolayisile dento-alveolar seviyedeki ileri itim cok daha barizdir. SUMMARY The aim of the present investigation was determination of cephalometric norms in Turkish population with 'normal occlusion. Tha material is consisted of 26 female and 56 male adults whom with normal occlusion and acceptable facial harmony. The subjects were selected mainly from Dental faculty students. The investigation was carried out on the standard cephalometric roentgenograms. Tha angles were imaesured respectively SNA, SNiB, AMB. SND, 1 NA, 'NB, 1 , Go-Gn-SN, MP , SN 1 , ANS-PNS 1. f t 1 Error of measurement of each doubie determination were calculated using the 2d formula : --and expressed as the- percentage of the mean value. 2n Each angle measured by two investigators on the same traving, then arit'iime-tic mean and standard deviation were calculated seperately for both sexes: Significance of differences between mean values of the two groups were assessed by means of the «t test*. Comparisons have been made between norms of white and negro American samples and Turkish sample. The findings of thes study can be summarized : 1 — There is no statistically significant sex differences in the norms of two groups. 2— There are statisticaly significant differences in norms when compared with various other racial groups. This is justified that the necessity of a Turkish norm is unavoidable for our cephalometric analysis. 3 — When comparisons are made between Turkish sample and Alabama white American sample. â–  a) There are significant differences between all the angles with the exception of AIMB and ANS-PNS 1 angles. (Table Mi). b) in relation with antenor cranial base, upper and lower basal bones are placed more anteriorly in Turkish sample than Alabama sample. c) At the antero-posterior direction, upper and lower basal bone relationship Is same in both samples. d) In vertical direction, assesment of the facial skeletal structure s'hows skeletal closed bite tendency in Turkish sample comparing with Alabama white American sample. e) Also the inclination of the upper and lower incisors were less obtuse in relation with facial skeleton, cranial base and to each other in Tur>ks than white Alabama sample. — 4 — The other comparisons were 'made with American negro sample. The findings are.  a) There are significant differences between all the angles with the exception of SNA and SNJ3 angles. (Table ill). b) Antero-posteriorly upper and lower basal bones s'how no difference in relation with anterior cranial base. c) Although, upper basal bone o2 American negro sample's placed more posteriorly in relation with lower basal bone. d) Also in the vertical direction, facial skeletal structure of Turkish sample is more significantly skeletal closed bite type than American negro sample. e) The inclination of the upper and tower incisors is more obtuse in American negro sample in relation with their basal bones and head than Turkish sample,, and the angle of between upper and lower incisors is less than the Turkish sample that explains the significance of dento-alveolar prooumbency. of American negro sample.
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