[The immunological and hormonal effects of combined exposure to a bitemporal ultrahigh-frequency electrical field and to decimeter waves at different sites].

: Bitemporal UHF electric field is shown to enhance glucocorticoid adrenal function unlike inhibition of the thyroid function suppressing a primary immune response (PIR) in the productive phase. The combined exposure to bitemporal UHF electric field and decimeter waves of the adrenals doubles glucocorticoid synthesis abolishing the inhibitory action of the UHF therapy on thyroid function resultant in much more suppressed PIR. Both modalities inhibit thymic production. Decimeter waves alone are less effective. The exposure of the thyroid to decimeter waves initiated PIR by 2.5-fold activation of medullar lymphocytes and by a 80% increase in the thymic function. No response was achieved in combined action on the thyroid of the electric field and decimeter waves.
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