[Purulent lung diseases necessitating surgical treatment--case reports].

: Majority of purulent lung diseases are treated with antibiotics. But sometimes this therapy is not successful and surgical treatment is necessary. Two patients are described in this paper. 68 years old woman in whom infiltration in left lung enlarged during antibiotics therapy. CT examination did not allow to differentiate between abscessus and tumor. Results of bacteriologic and cytologic examination of transthoracic biopsy were negative. During thoracothomy abscessus was resected and diagnosis was confirmed by patomorphologic examination. The second case: 16-years old girl was addmitted to hospital because of high temperature and abnormal chest X-ray picture (infiltration and liquid level in lower right lobe). During puncture the pus was evacuated but bacteria were not cultured. Antibiotics were not effective. Thoracothomy was done and large cysta bronchogenes was resected. In both cases surgical treatment was effective.
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