[Physiological-biochemical and taxonomic studies in mollicutology].

: From the beginning of researches in the field of molliculotology and for all the time of existence of special Mycoplasmology Department in the Institute of Microbiology and Virology numerous original results were obtained which are of priority for this science. The collection of strains of various representatives of the class of Mollicutes was formed. Phytopathogenic mollicute strains were first cultived in the elaborated artificial medium and their nature and specific pathogen factors were investigated. Fundamental principles of realization of pathogenic potencies by Mollicutes-agents of plant "yellows" were researched. A number of enzymes of nucleic metabolism and the proteinases, their part as the aggression factors to host organisms was distinguished for the first time, the enzymes localization was studied by cytochemical methods. The composition of carbohydrate part from glycocalix of the mollicutes and microorganisms related to them was studied, and the model of their interaction with the cells of affected organisms was elaborated. The theory and the basis for the practical use of antisignature olygodeoxyribonucleotides as the universal antimicrobial means was formulated. Properties of DNA from mollicutes genome was researched. The system position of these microorganisms and the phylogenetic relations with the representatives of affined taxones was specified. The artificial model system for studying the interaction of phytopathogenic mollicutes with plant cells was created which use helps investigate the particuliarities of the signal and metabolic relations ofmollicutes and cells of host macroorganism. In the course of done researches the changes in the fatty acids composition of the common lipids, in the activity oflectins and enzymes and in the amount of some proteins by the action of mollicute infection were stated.
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