Okul Öncesi Çocuk Gelişiminde Yaratıcı Dramanın Katkıları / Contributions Of Creative Drama In Preschool Child Development

Toplumlarin sosyal yasam duzeylerinin artmasi icin huzurlu, kendine guvenen, sorumluluk sahibi bireylere sahip olmalari onemlidir. Bu amaca ulasabilmek icin de gelecegimizin teminati olan cocuklarin ogrenme surecine daha aktif olarak katilimlarini saglamak gerekmektedir. Ogrenme surecinde cocuklari daha etkin hale getirmek icin alternatif farkli ogrenme yaklasimlarina ihtiyac vardir. Bu yaklasimlardan birisi de ogrenciyi egitimin birebir merkezine alan drama yontemidir. Drama bilissel, duyussal ve psikomotor tum gelisim alanlari destekleyen, ogrenme surecini eglenceli hâle getiren bir yaklasimdir. Cocuklarin saglikli bir birey olma yolunda temel bilgi ve becerilerini kazandigi yasamin ilk yillari cocuk gelisimi acisindan buyuk oneme sahiptir. Arastirma, tarama modelinde betimsel bir calismadir. Bu calismada ilgili alan yazin taranarak cocuk gelisiminde dramanin katkilari ele alinmistir. Dramanin; cocuklarin bilissel, psikomotor, sosyal, duygusal ve dil gelisimlerine katkisi incelenmistir. It is important for societies to have peaceful, self-confident and responsible individuals to increase their social life levels. In order to achieve this goal, it is necessary to ensure that the children who are the guarantor of our future participate more actively in the learning process. Alternative learning approaches are needed to make children more effective in the learning process. One of these approaches is the drama method. Drama is a cognitive, affective and psycho-motorized approach that supports all areas of development, making the learning process fun. In this study, the role of drama is examined in child development. The first years of life in which children acquire basic knowledge and skills towards becoming a healthy individual are of great importance in terms of child development. The research is a descriptive study. In this study, the contribution of drama in children's development has been discussed. The contribution of drama has been discussed effects on children cognitive, psychomotor, social, emotional and language developments.
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