Hydrogen accumulation in nanostructured as compared to the coarse-grained tungsten

Abstract We report on the influence of sample microstructure and of irradiation conditions on the H behaviour in Tungsten (W). For this purpose, commercial coarse grained (CGW) and nanostructured W (NW) samples were implanted with (i) H at room temperature (RT), (ii) sequentially with C and H at RT, and (iii) simultaneously (co-implanted) with C and H at RT. To study the possible effect of implantation temperature on H behaviour, a CGW sample and a NW sample were sequentially implanted with C at RT and with H at 673 K. The H and C implantation fluence was 5 × 10 20  m −2 and the implantation energies were 160 keV for H and 650 keV for C which are above the displacement damage threshold. Scanning electron microscopy images show that nanostructured samples consist of columns with an average diameter of about 100 nm. These nanocolumns are stable under the studied implantations conditions. Moreover, surface modification is absent in all studied samples. X-ray diffraction data illustrate that all samples are mono-phase (α-W phase) and that none of the implantations led to the appearance of secondary phases. Resonant nuclear reaction analysis data show that the H retention in NW samples is larger than in CGW and that synergistic effect has a significant influence on the H retention in CGW samples but not in NW samples.
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