Формування поверхневого стоку з різних ландшафтів Полісся України

The thesis highlights the ecological assessment of the surface runoff from the catchments of urban and rural populated territories. Consideration is given to the peculiarities of the formation of the surface runoff of various origin in the city of Zhytomyr and the village of Stryzhivka, as well as to the indices of water quality of the surface runoff from the catchments which get into the hydrographic network and water reservoirs. The coefficients of the surface runoff from urban catchments that are different as to their structure are determined. The composition of the rainstorm water from the surface of the catchments of urban and rural populated territories with various infrastructure depending on the anthropogenic load and hydrological parameters of the surface runoff is systematized. The list of priority pollutants in the composition of rainstorm waters from the surface runoff is specified. The pollution level of the surface runoff from populated territories is high and it gets into the water objects unevenly, mostly in time of rainfall and snow thawing. The classification of ecological status of reclaimed headwater catchments has been developed with due regard to features of operation of headwater runoff. On the basis thereof the ways of management of pollutant migration in hydrological and erosion processes in forestagricultural landscapes of Zhytomyr Polissya.
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