Pattern and predictors of dyslipidemia in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus

Abstract Dyslipidemia is a major risk factor for macro-vascular complications in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM). Present study explored pattern and predictors of dyslipidemia in Bangladeshi T2DM patients. The cross-sectional study is conducted among 366 consecutive eligible T2DM patients aged >30 years, BIRDEM diabetic hospital, during July-to-December 2010. Physical examination, diabetic profile, lipid profile and serum createnine was performed. Adjusted odds ratio and confidence limit were generated through binary logistic regression. Most frequent form (59.3%) of dyslipidemia is low HDL. Duration of T2DM is significantly correlated with TC ( P P P 7% appeared as predictor of dyslipidemia ( P P P P P  > 0.05). T2DM with comorbid hypertension seems to predict hyper tri-glyceridemia and lower HDL. Both TC–HDL ratio and LDL–HDL ratio appeared as good predictor of all four parameters of dyslipidemia ( P
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