Cognitive learning function in OSA children

Introduction: Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA) in children is associated with learning problems, as attention and memory. Aim: To assess learning, memory and attention function in OSA children. Methods: OSA children (IAH>4 or IA>1), both genders, aged 6 to 12 years, were submitted to psychological learning test (symbol, digits and code – WISC III Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children). Test result were pondered for age, 10 points were considered normal, Results: 30 children, 9 girls, median age 8.5 years, were enrolled. Median IAH was 11.9 (4 to 65) and mean IDO 12.8 (3.4 to 71). 14 (46%) children, 10 boys, were considered suspicious, 9 (30%), 8 boys, were considered as having learning disturbance (LD). 67% werde diagnosed LD in 2 or more subareas, showing global learning dysfunction as discrimination, velocity and attention. There was no correlation of learning disturbance to IAH or IDO (OSA severity), but it was correlated to male gender and to older age, 50% of children aged 9 to 12 years were diagnosed LD. Conclusion: Learning disturbances are frequent in OSA children, independent of OSA severity. Exposing time to OSA seems to be an important factor. OSA children should undergo neurocognitive evaluation.
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