Influence of Air Temperature on Preference for Color Temperature of General Lighting in the Room

The color temperature of general lighting in an interior space is an important lighting factor that contributes to making lighting environment more comfortable or pleasant. It is desirable for making atmosphere more comfortable or pleasant to clarify how air temperature affects psychological preferences for the color temperature of general lighting. Two kinds of psychological evaluation experiments were conducted by using a laboratory whose air temperature was kept at a constant value. As a result of the experiment-1, it was cleared that the air temperature to which the subjects were exposed was low, as in winter, a low color temperature was preferred. On the other hand, the air temperature was high, as in summer, a high color temperature was preferred. Accordingly, it was cleared that the color temperature preference for general lighting varies depending on the air temperature in a room. In the next stage, the experiment-2 was made to study whether a sudden change like step in air temperature as experienced during ordinary activities in human life affects color temperature preference. As a result, it was cleared that the color temperature preference for general lighting in Room A immediately after entering Room A from Room B varies depending on air temperature in B.
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