Apoptosis and retinal projections in the dorsal lateral geniculate nucleus after monocular deprivation during the later phase of the critical period in the rat.

The visual cortex in the rat is matured physiologically by postnatal day 30, but the visual system retains the potential to be reorganized until postnatal day 45. Therefore, we defined the period from postnatal days 28-45 as the ‘late critical phase’. To examine whether monocular deprivation during the late critical phase gives rise to neuronal apoptosis in the dorsal lateral geniculate nucleus (dLGN), we used the terminal deoxyribo-nucleotidyl transferase-mediated dUTP-digoxigenin nick end-labeling method and anterograde tracing. The number of apoptotic cells in the dLGN after monocular deprivation at postnatal day 28 showed little difference from control at postnatal day 29, but was significantly increased to more than fourfold of control ipsilaterally to the monocular deprivation at postnatal day 35 and to more than 10-fold of control bilaterally at postnatal day 40. In the control, there were almost no apoptotic neurons in the dLGN on either side at postnatal day 40. In the nucleus ipsilateral to the monocular deprivation, approximately half the apoptotic neurons were found in an area that did not receive a retinal projection. These findings suggest that the biological process of increased apoptosis in the dLGN of rats that received monocular deprivation in the late critical phase may be different from that in the early critical phase. The increased number of apoptotic cells in the dLGN in the late critical phase may not be simply the result of monocular deprivation.
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