Asthma and hay fever in theory and practice

Asthma and Hay Fever in Theory and Practice-By Arthur F. Coca, Matthew Walzer, and August A. Tkommen. Springfield: Ckarles C. Thomas, 1931. Price, $8.50. The authors have thought it necessary to explain the publication of another book on the general subject of allergic diseases, since several have appeared within the last year. There can be no question that specialists and general practitioners alike are coming to recognize the importance of allergic phenomenons, not only as seen in special diseases, but also following the administration of the many biological preparations. which are now so widely employed in the practice of medicine. We feel that there is no need for the explanation of the authors, since all authoritative knowledge on the subject will be welcomed. Recognizing that any one man would find extreme difficulty in covering such a subject thoroughly, the book has been written by three authors, all attached to the same school: Part I: Hypersensitiveness, Anaphylaxis, Allergy, by Arthur F. Coca, M.D.; Part II: Asthma, by Matthew Walzer, M.D.; Part III: Hay Fever, by August A. Thommen. M.D. Chapter XVII is the combined effort of Walzer and Thommen, while Katherine Bowman is the joint author of Chapter XVIII. A work of this sort does not lend itself readily to a detailed review. Each part is introduced by an historical section and followed by an excellent bibliography. The book is concluded with a good general index and a special index of Atopens and Excitants. In general it may be said that each author has covered his subject in an authoritative manner, w h i c h leaves little or nothing to be desired as far as our present knowledge goes. The third part is especially well illustrated with photographs of trees, grasses, weeds, and their pollens. Even if one has a reasonable familiarity with the general subject, he will be astonished at the great number of excitants to which certain people are sensitive. The book is well printed, although there are some typographical errors. Unfortunately, heavy paper has been used. It can be commended as one of the most complete treatises on the subject, and the names of the authors insure the accuracy of its statements. M. P. RAVENEL
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