휴대용 GC/MOS 시스템을 이용한 악취물질의 정량 및 정성분석방법

The purpose of this study is to create a new odor analysis technology that combines the separation technology of GC and the measurement of MOS sensors. The detector of the GC system is replaced with the MOS sensor to analyze various odor compounds. Carrier gas also used air in the normal atmosphere through a micro pump. Therefore, it is possible to develop a portable odor analysis device since no additional cylinder is needed. Retention times for H2S, C7H8, and C2H4O analyzed by the combined GC/MOS system were identified as 1.28 minutes, 3.88 minutes and 1.77 minutes, respectively. Measurement reproducibility of odorous RT was very good at less than 1.2 %RSD. Also, the magnitude of the peak as a result of changes in the concentration of each odor showed a linear proportional relationship. Thus, a new method could be proposed to analyze various odorous substances with the combined GC/MOS system.
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