Periorbital Cutaneous Neonatal Lupus

The authors report 3 infant girls with a similar periorbital eruption. A 5-month-old infant girl presented with a 3-month history of a photosensitive facial eruption that had failed to respond to topical 1% hydrocortisone cream. The otherwise healthy infant was the product of a term pregnancy. The 25-year-old mother was in good health except for occasional arthralgias. She had 2 other healthy children. Physical examination revealed a well-developed, well-nourished infant with annular, polycyclic, erythematous scaly plaques involving the cheeks and periorbital region (Figure 1). Potassium hydroxide scraping from the face was negative for dermatophyte and yeast. Laboratory studies revealed normal complete blood cell count, normal liver function tests, strongly positive anti-SSA antibody at 118 units (>80 units, strongly positive), and a negative anti-SSB antibody. Cardiac examination and electrocardiogram (ECG) were also normal. Laboratory evaluation of the mother revealed a positive anti-SSA at 158 units and mild anemia, but anti-SSB, anti-Smith, U1RNP, and anti-Scl-70 antibodies were all negative. Within 4 months the facial eruption cleared completely with the use of desonide cream 0.05% applied twice a day and sun protection. A 6-month-old girl was referred for dermatitis that began on the trunk and face at about 2 months of age. Although the truncal component resolved after 2 months, the facial dermatitis persisted. The infant was in good health and was the first-born child. The mother was known to have Sjogren syndrome. Physical examination revealed the characteristic erythematous, annular, scaling, polycyclic plaques along the forehead, periorbital cheeks, and eyelids (Figure 2). Laboratory evaluation of the infant revealed normal complete blood cell count, liver function tests, and chemistry profile. Anti-SSA antibody was positive at >6 units (reference, <1 unit) and anti-SSB antibody was positive at 2.84 units (reference, <1 unit). U1RNP antibody was negative. Cardiac examination and ECG were normal. The skin abnormalities cleared completely in 6 weeks with the topical application of tacrolimus 0.03% ointment and sun protection. A 5-month-old girl presented with a 2-month history of a persistent facial dermatitis. The infant was in good health and was the product of a healthy first pregnancy and delivery. The mother was in good health. Physical examination of the infant revealed erythematous, annular, polycyclic periorbital patches (Figure 3). Laboratory evaluation revealed positive SSA and SSB antibodies (units unavailable) and normal complete blood cell count, liver function tests, and chemistry profile. Cardiac examination and ECG were normal. The mother's laboratory results were also positive for anti-SSA and anti-SSB antibodies (units unavailable). The infant's facial eruption resolved without specific treatment. Figure 1. A 5-month-old girl with periorbital, erythematous, scaly patches extending onto the forehead. Download figure to PowerPoint Figure 2. A 6-month-old girl with periorbital, erythematous, scaly patches extending onto the forehead. Download figure to PowerPoint Figure 3. A 5-month-old girl with periorbital erythematous patches. Download figure to PowerPoint
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