Impact of whole-body passive heat stress and arterial shear rate modification on radial artery function in young men.

We sought to determine how whole-body heating acutely influences radial artery function, characterized using flow mediated dilation (FMD) and low-flow mediated constriction (L-FMC), and the mechanistic role of shear rate modification on radial artery functional characteristics during heating. Eleven young healthy men underwent whole-body heating (water-perfused suit) sufficient to raise core temperature +1°C. Trials were repeated with (Heat+WC) and without (Heat) the application of a wrist cuff located distal to the radial artery examined, known to prevent increases in mean and anterograde shear rate but increase retrograde shear. Radial artery characteristics were assessed throughout each trial, with FMD and L-FMC assessed prior to and upon reaching the target core temperature. Heat markedly increased radial artery mean and anterograde shear rate, along with radial artery diameter and blood flow (P 0.05), but markedly increased retrograde shear (P 0.05). In contrast, L-FMC was not different in either trial (P>0.05). In summary, acute whole-body heating markedly elevates radial artery shear rate, diameter and blood flow, and diminishes FMD. However, marked radial artery vasodilation and diminished FMD are absent when these shear rate changes are prevented. Shear rate modifications underpinthe radial artery response to acute whole-body heat-stress, but further endothelial-dependent vasodilation (FMD) is attenuated likely as the vasodilatory range limit is approached.
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