Predicting miRNA-disease associations via combining probability matrix feature decomposition with neighbor learning.

Predicting the associations of miRNAs and diseases may uncover the causation of various diseases. Many methods are emerging to tackle the sparse and unbalanced disease related miRNA prediction. Here, we propose a Probabilistic matrix decomposition combined with neighbor learning to identify MiRNA-Disease Associations utilizing heterogeneous data(PMDA). First, we build similarity networks for diseases and miRNAs, respectively, by integrating semantic information and functional interactions. Second, we construct a neighbor learning model in which the neighbor information of individual miRNA or disease is utilized to enhance the association relationship to tackle the spare problem. Third, we predict the potential association between miRNAs and diseases via probability matrix decomposition. The experimental results show that PMDA is superior to other five methods in sparse and unbalanced data. The case study shows that the new miRNA-disease interactions predicted by the PMDA are effective and the performance of the PMDA is superior to other methods.
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