Examining Motivations of Volunteer Drivers in a Senior Ride Program

Objective: This paper explores the motivations of volunteer drivers for a senior ride program. The results were used to identify suggestions for the recruitment and retention of volunteers. Method: An online survey, consisting of a de-mographics form and the Volunteer Functions Inventory (VFI), was completed by 33 participants recruited from Senior Ride Nashville. The survey results were analyzed and used to develop questions for a focus group. Two focus groups, for a total of 9 participants, were conducted to further explore volunteer motivations, verify VFI findings and identify themes relating to volunteer motivations. Results: Statistically significant differences were identified among the VFI scores with the highest median values being Values followed by Understanding and Enhancement. Scores on the VFI Values scale were statistically and significantly different by marital status and likelihood to volunteer in the future. Scores on the VFI Understanding, Enhancement and Protective scores expressed significance among those likely to volunteer in the future. There was a statistically significant inverse correlation of age with the VFI Career motivation score. Focus group revealed three themes of motivations to volunteer including the following: altruism, personal values, and connectedness. Conclusion: This research study found that volunteers for Senior Ride Nashville are most often motivated by an altruistic desire to serve others. Volunteer ride programs promote access to transportation and community participation for older adults, enhancing their occupational engagement. Recruitment and retention efforts should focus on the relational aspect of the volunteer experience.
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