How to Efficiently Build a Front-End Tool for UPPAAL: A Model-Driven Approach

We propose a model-driven engineering approach that facilitates the production of tool chains that use the popular model checker Uppaal as a back-end analysis tool. In this approach, we introduce a metamodel for Uppaal ’s input model, containing both timed-automata concepts and syntax-related elements for C-like expressions. We also introduce a metamodel for Uppaal ’s query language to specify temporal properties; as well as a metamodel for traces to interpret Uppaal ’s counterexamples and witnesses. The approach provides a systematic way to build software bridging tools (i.e., tools that translate from a domain-specific language to Uppaal ’s input language) such that these tools become easier to debug, extend, reuse and maintain. We demonstrate our approach on five different domains: cyber-physical systems, hardware-software co-design, cyber-security, reliability engineering and software timing analysis.
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