Infección Urinaria Asociada a Catéter Vesicouretral

Objetivos. Determinar el perfil bacteriologico de la infeccion de vias urinarias de pacientes portadores de cateter urinario en un hospital de tercer nivel de atencion medica. Metodos. Diseno Trasversal. Se realizo urocultivo de 120 sujetos hospitalizados, portadores de cateter urinario, previo tamizaje con examen general de orina, tiras reactivas para deteccion de nitritos y leucocitos en orina. Se recolectaron datos sociodemograficos y semiologicos urinarios. Se uso paquete estadistico SPSS v10 y Microsoft Office 2003. Resultados. Se estudiaron 120 sujetos portadores de cateter urinario con promedio de edad 52.51+/-DE 18.21. El genero femenino de 68 (56.7%). De ellos 42 (de 120) resultaron con cultivo positivo, con una prevalencia de 35% IC 95%( 34.75-35.42), los germenes mas frecuentes fueron; Candida (17.5%), E. coli (5%), Enterobacter (5.8%), Pseudomonas (2.5%), Proteus (1.7) y Streptococcus , Staphylococcus y Morganella (.8%). Los antibioticos que mostraron mas resistencia fueron; ceftazidima, carbencilina y gentamicina. Conclusiones. La prevalencia de infeccion de vias urinarias por sonda vesical y el perfil bacteriologico es similar a lo reportado en la literatura. Palabras Clave: Perfil microbiologico; Infeccion de vias urinarias; Cateter urinario. Microbiology Profile in Urinary Infection Associated with Uretral Catheter ABSTRACT Objectives. To Determine the bacteriological profile of urinary tract infections in vesical catheter carrier patients in a third level hospital. Methods. Design Crossover. Urine culture was made in 120 vesical catheter carriers hospitalized patients, previous tamizaje with general urinalysis, dipstick for nitrite and leukocyte detection. Demographic and clinical data were gathered. We used statistical package SPSS v10 and Microsoft Office 2003. Results. One hundred twenty subjects were studied with average of age 52.51+/-SD 18.21. Female was 68 (56.7%). 42 patients had reported positive cultures, with a prevalence of 35% CI 95% (34.75-35.42), the most frequent microbial agents were: Candida (17.5%), E. coli (5%), Enterobacter (5.8%), Pseudomonas (2.5%), Proteus (1.7) and Streptococcus , Staphylococcus and Morganella (.8%). Antibiotics that showed more resistance were: ceftazidime, carbenicillin and gentamicin. Conclusions. Prevalence of vesical probe associated urinary tract infections and bacteriological profiles are similar to the reported in literature. Key words: Microbiology profile; Urinary tract infections; Urinary catheter.
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